
March 4


When Intuition Doesn’t Work Out

By Christina Ammerman

March 4, 2013


Tell me if this seems familiar to you:

In a moment of being incredibly “tapped in,” you get a clear indication from your intuitive guidance of an action that you’re supposed to take. Maybe it was something really exciting related to your life purpose. You can see the synchronicity in how many pieces have come together to create this opportunity.

As strongly as you felt that intuition within you, you still might have double-checked it with a pendulum or some oracle cards just to be sure. Every tool that you have to connect with your Divine Guidance confirms that this is the right action for you to take at this time.

You feel so perfectly clear and supported that you take the action, and then….nothing. Or worse, things fall apart. And you wonder, WTF??

I’ve lost count of how many times this has happened to me in the last few years – sometimes in very significant ways. I spent The first half of 2012 telling everyone I knew about the healing center that I was going to open by the end of the year. I saw it so clearly, and so many resources fell into place, that it must be unfolding the way that I was seeing it.

When I got into the second half of 2012 it became clear that this project wasn’t ready to happen. But what about all that guidance I had gotten? What about the location that I certainly was absolutely, perfectly, Divinely directed to because it was the childhood home of one of my clients and her family used to hold healing circles and seances there?

My thoughts drift back to this apparent misfire of intuition now and then. I’ve long accepted the great stuff that’s happened instead, such as working with a business coach so that I can be better at running the business when it expands, but I still look at that experience for more that it can teach me about intuition.

It turns out that there are three major reasons why we sometimes seemed to be intuitively guided in directions that don’t work out:

Woman smacking head1 – We heard our guidance wrong.

Here’s the catch with intuitive guidance: It comes through as energy that has to be interpreted by the mind, so it’s limited by the mind’s ability to understand. Sometimes your mind lacks the language (the set of words or images) to accurately translate the messages and leaves you guessing wrong.

The messages get filtered based on emotions too. In my case with the healing center, I was so passionately about this purpose that I certainly heard “Yes” a few times that it was actually “No” or “Slow down.” Just as in human-to-human communication, sometimes with intuition we hear what we want to hear. Yup, even me.

Thankfully, the more that you address those underlying emotions, the more often you’ll hear the right messages through your intuition.

2 – Something (or someone) stopped being ready.

When you get the “go ahead” from your guidance, it’s natural to assume that means the entire road to what you want is clear. More often that “go ahead” is only signalling you to take the very next step, but the human self gets impulsive and overeager.

From a higher perspective we know that nothing is linear; even if everything is in place right now, that doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way. The free will of many people may be involved, and higher guidance can’t always predict free will.

Exclamation danger signEnergy is always changing and new decisions are being made that affect outcomes. Sometimes what changes is you. Let’s not forget how your ego wants to protect you from anything that might put you at risk, including success. So you could be absolutely on the right path sketched out by your intuition and the suddenly veer off-course. Subconsciously pulling back right before you’re about to get the success that you wanted is pretty commonplace. Have you ever experienced that?

Fear of success can be a strong silent saboteur until it’s faced head-on and defeated. My biggest weapon on my own journey was ThetaHealing and Integrated Energy Therapy. Have you slayed the fear of success beast yet?

3 – It wasn’t about results.

Scared singerThis one was the biggest aha for me last week – the biggest leap from the human perspective to a higher one. Sometimes the path that you’re intuitively led down isn’t about getting to the end result. Rather, it’s about the shifts that happen along the way – the emotions that you conquer or the energy that gets moved.

Think about when a person does something bold and new for the first time – let’s say singing karaoke. The first time a person gets up on a stage and sings in front of other people can be incredibly nerve-wracking. As she sings her song, this person might discover that she has a natural talent – or, she might mess up half the words (even though they’re right there in front of her) and miss the pitch more than she hit it. Regardless of how she sounds, there will be something within that woman that shifts because of the experience. In fact, the timid woman who sings karaoke for the first time will gain more from the experience than someone who already knows they’ll do well.

Intuitive guidance isn’t always leading us to a specific, finely-tuned outcome. Sometimes it’s just pointing us in a direction so that we can grow from the experience of walking down that particular path. It is, as they say, about the journey, not the destination.


female hand with microphoneYour turn

Tell about a time when you felt like you had been intuitively guided to do something that appeared to fail, until you realized that you had gained something else along the way.





About the author

Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.

Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Use at your own risk.

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  1. I needed this message!!! I’ve been feeling very anxious about teaching my first class in a few weeks because I wanted to be the “best” and for the sequence to be “perfect”. This really helped me understand the importance of just letting it unfold. It will be what it’s suppose to be and I know I will come out of that first class feeling completely. Thank you!

    1. Ooh, I’m so glad that this message served you. You are going to be an awesome teacher – you already ARE an awesome teacher – and I know that you will be beautifully in tune with your guidance and your students to provide exactly what everyone needs at that moment.


  2. I basically got rejected from my dream school, and everything that had happened over the past year seemed to point me in the direction of applying to this specific school. All of my art teachers suddenly advised me to apply to this school, saying that I had a good chance of getting in (it has a 4 percent acceptance rate) and that it was the right fit for me. At first, I was surprised because i had never even thought about applying, and I felt flattered that an alumni of that school was telling me that this was the school for me. I even asked for guidance from my angel/fairy oracle cards and they all seemed to have positive messages saying that my “wish” was going to come true and that this was my life purpose…and then BAM i got rejected. I’m still trying to pull myself out of this negativity..I’m trying to understand what the “blessing” is here,,and at this very moment..i am kind of devastated and very confused at the moment..

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