
June 24


What Does a Healer Really Do?

By Christina Ammerman

June 24, 2013

energy healing, healer, healing, intention

In an article a few weeks ago I wrote about the purpose that healing serves. Today I’m guided to go deeper into the process and describe the many ways that a healer serves her client.

After all, if a person has direct connection to Divine Source and the ability to heal herself through that – including channeling healing energy and Grace – then why are human healers needed?

Let’s say for the sake of this writing that we’re talking about energy healers (although these thoughts apply to other traditional and alternative healers as well). Whether you stand in the shoes of the client or the healer, I’m sure you’ll notice that the relationship is about much more than the part about where the healer practices the actual modality. In fact, I tend to believe the modality to be the smallest part of the work.

All of these things that a healer does can be described in two words: “holding space.” Healers help to create the environment in which the client can heal, grow, and thrive. These are the reasons why even masterful healers like me still see other healers, because these are all things we can’t do as well for ourselves.

1 – Shared intention

You know by now that when two people share an intention, it manifests more easily. From the moment you say to a healer, “Please help me with this” you have just doubled the amount of positive energy being directed toward that intention. In fact, more than doubled – because as you know, the whole of that shared energy is greater than the sum of its parts.

This is why I love working with my clients in a series of sessions and encourage other healers to do the same: Because we share the energy and intention not only during the hour of one session but during all the hours in between sessions too.

And who better to share your intention than someone who spends tons of time consciously connected to Divine Source?

2 – Emotional safety

In order for a person to heal, she needs to acknowledge the problem. But she might also be ashamed of the very thing that she most needs to share aloud. For instance, I’ve sat in session with more than one woman who admitted she regretted having children. “What mother says that??” society would ask.

But a healer learns how to put personal beliefs aside – and demonstrate to her clients that she’s doing so – so that clients feel safe to share their true feelings without fear of being judged.

3 – Accountability and commitment

Sure, you can heal yourself, but do you make time to do it? In making a commitment to a healer, you’re really making a commitment to yourself – the healer is giving you the opportunity to do it. 

I speak from personal experience: I still falter in my commitment to put time on my calendar for meditation and self-healing, but when I’ve made that appointment with someone else, it automatically takes higher priority. I think most of us have that in us – our commitments to others are stronger than our commitments to ourselves. Sometimes you can learn how to use that to encourage accountability in yourself or someone else.

4 – Experience

In the world of archetypes there’s one called The Wounded Healer. It refers to someone who can help someone else heal because she’s walked the same path herself. I think of it like being able to say, “Watch out for that pothole!” or “Here’s a shortcut.”

In addition to experience leading to know-how, the client feels much more supported and safe when she’s working with someone who “gets” her and her situation.

If you want a common example of this, look at Weight Watchers leaders: They’re all people who have lost weight through Weight Watchers, so they’re able to lead others in doing the same.

5 – Intuition and empathy

One of the side effects of working with energy is that the healer’s intuition and empathy expand. So even when your experience as a healer doesn’t directly relate to what your client is going through, your expanded gifts enable you to bring through guidance from your Higher Selves for her to hear.

6 – Mirrors and triggers

This is the part of the healing relationship that I’ve grown to appreciate deeply but I might not ever like.

Part of our job as healers is to help people bring stuff up. Sometimes that happens without our knowing. Our word choice or actions might have the unintended consequence of making the client feel uncomfortable, sad, or angry. But it always works out that the client needed to feel that way in order to face her issue.

Here’s a recent example: One of my private clients emailed to ask if she could reschedule that week’s appointment because her throat was infected. Because Ashley and I were both away from the office that day, that message didn’t receive a prompt response – and neither did the client’s follow up messages that afternoon or early the next morning. On the surface it looked like a customer service issue (and trust me, Ashley and I discussed met about how to keep that from happening again), but I also saw how this experience of not being heard by us mirrored whatever was going on in the client’s throat chakra that was causing the infection. It amplified her experience of not being heard so that she could put more attention on finding her voice.

7- Directing energy

Finally, yes – the healer does direct energy to support the client’s healing. Truthfully I think that at least 80% of a healing session is about the healer and client showing up together, asking for the healing, and helping the client to relax and receive.

I think this even more when the client tells me she felt someone working on her in an area I wasn’t focused on, or when I witness teams of angels surrounding my client and doing their work. It puts me in awe of how little we the human healers truly contribute to that healing, and it also takes the pressure off to “get it right.”

The other 20% then – the smallest part of all these seven, is about what the healer actually does with energy. For a client to heal completely, healing energy has to go into every level of her being. A healing modality is a process for directing the energy where it’s needed, including stepping down the vibration of the energy so that it’s compatible with each level. (There’s an insightful nugget right there: Not all areas of your being can use the energy in its pure form.)

Your turn

Your turn to share!Whether you’re standing in the shoes of the healer or the client (or both), which of these aspects of a client-healer relationship do you find most valuable or powerful?

I’d love to hear any other thoughts you have from reading this today. Thanks for sharing!






About the author

Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.

Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Use at your own risk.

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  1. Christina,

    As a healer just stepping out into the world in my new healing shoes (haha), I loved reading this article. I am no stranger to holding space for a client and intuitively knowing each of the points you listed, but seeing them listed out the way you did is so helpful and a great reminder of what we do. I don’t think I could pick one over the other as most valuable – they are each highly valuable in doing healing work! Thank you for sharing.

    Love & Light,

    1. Hi Jen!

      Welcome! It’s so nice to connect with you here.

      I took a peek at your website and I have to say that you wear those shoes well. 🙂 I celebrate you and what you do for those you serve.


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