If you experience Chronic Anxiety and Depression, you’ll be encouraged by this opportunity to get some real answer.
I know first-hand how frustrating Anxiety and Depression can be for high-impact people. It feels like your mind is betraying you, doesn’t it? You prove every day that you’re more capable than Anxiety and Depression says you are, and yet the cycle continues.
I’m often asked whether I can help people get rid of Anxiety and/or Depression. The answer is a resounding YES!
Chronic Anxiety and Depression are actually quite easy to heal with my approach. I’ve done it for myself, I’ve helped clients overcome both, and I’ve even healed them “accidentally” for other clients who said that “we didn’t even talk about my depression but it has gone away!” while we were focused on other problems.
Anxiety and Depression are just like any other disease, having emotional root causes that have manifested on the physical level.
In fact, the debate over whether Anxiety and Depression are psychological or physical conditions needs to end. They are BOTH – brain chemical imbalances that occur because of subconscious emotional patterns. By healing the emotional root causes, we allow your body to change the levels of brain chemicals that it produces.
So what are the emotional causes of Anxiety and Depression?
For Anxiety, the root cause is the Unworthiness Core Wound. It makes you always question if you’re good enough, plus this wound blocks the Inner Knowing that’s supposed to come through your Crown Chakra, so instead of having inner guidance that helps you feel certain about things, you spiral.
For Depression, the root cause is the Unlovable Core Wound. Feeling Unlovable makes you feel unsupported, so even though you might have great ideas and plans, you stall yourself from following through on them. This wound blocks your Root Chakra, creating a sense that you’re disconnected from the environment that is meant to support you in helping your desires become reality. (This includes feeling disconnected from the Universe at large and also from other people.) Put another way, Depression is the result of using your power to stop yourself instead of feeling safe to put your power into action.
In addition to the Core Wounds, another set of subconscious patterns that’s important to release for healing these conditions is the Need to Be Right / Fear of Being Wrong / Need to Be Perfect. I’m sure you can immediately see how these patterns unconsciously contribute to Anxiety (“Is this right? Did I do OK?”) and Depression (“I’m not 100% sure what the right choice is, so I’ll make myself not want to do anything.”)