
September 10


Our Return to Love

By Christina Ammerman

September 10, 2012

This past weekend was a special event for me. I’ve just returned from the Hay House I Can Do It! conference in Washington, DC – an amazing experience of being surrounded by wonderful people on journeys being led by some wonderful teachers.

At first I was surprised by how much of the content was the same as when I attended the 2009 conference in Tampa; then I realized that this experience parallels what I’ve been saying to my clients lately about messages from Spirit: We’re going to keep getting the same messages until we not only hear them but also integrate them into our lives. We can’t move on to the next step until we’ve completed this one. And of course, these authors from Hay House, who are very connected to Spirit each in their own way, mirror that manner of giving messages here in the physical world.

To try and share with you every that I learned this weekend, even boiled down to its essence, would be far too much for you to read or me to write in one eZine article. (I know because I tried, and it didn’t work.)

What I can share with you easily is the theme that underpinned all of the presentations: Love. It is time for us to return to who we truly are physically, emotionally, and spiritually: beings who thrive on love. What I mean to say is we are returning to love, being pulled there by Earth’s changes and by the our souls’ callings; when we become more aware of that pull, the evolution will be faster and easier.

The first step in our return to love is loving ourselves. That’s not exactly new information, but I feel like I got more clarity on it this weekend, including the how. 

For instance, Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson gave a beautiful presentation based on their latest work, You Can Create An Exceptional Life. In the 90 minutes that they had, they shared many of the steps to loving ourselves better that they wrote in their book and they actually use in their own lives. Louise gave us a quick demonstration of her mirror work; as many times as I’d heard about it, I never understood how simple or powerful it was. She pulled a compact mirror out of her bra (she keeps lots of stuff in there, we learned), looked straight into it and said, “I love you, Louise. I really, really love you.” What a simple, powerful act! To see someone demonstrate that action in front of 3,000 people without shame, embarrassment, or any fear of looking silly was quite a lesson for me.

I was also moved by their message to be kind to ourselves with our inner thoughts. The frequency with which I criticize and scold myself inside my own head (if not out loud to others) is not only a buzzkiller, it’s a dreamkiller. After listening to Louise and Cheryl I found myself noticing my inner dialogue a lot more. How often do I criticize myself instead of uplifting and congratulating myself? As Cheryl put it, talk to yourself the way that you’d talk to a seven-year old child; would you be as cruel to her as you sometimes are to yourself? Do you realize that you’re stunting your own emotional growth the same way that you’d be stunting hers?

Love helps us thrive. It’s the most important tool in helping us succeed, and the beauty of that tool is that we always have it with us. We just sometimes need to dig it out under that pile of negative self-talk.

Let’s start that digging out process today. I invite you, in the comments below, to post something wonderful about yourself. Not just one thing but as much great stuff as you have to say about yourself. Feel it in your heart as you type it. And know that everyone else who sees it wants to know those beautiful things about you.

About the author

Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.

Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Use at your own risk.

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  1. I DO love myself. I love that I’m caring and compassionate. I love that I’m a wonderful daughter and great friend. I love that people enjoy my personality and humor. I love that I love animals and all living things. I love that I’m grown so well spiritually and emotionally. I love Chris’s message and will remind myself more often that I LOVE ME.

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