
February 10


Can Energy Healing Be a Real Career?

By Christina Ammerman

February 10, 2014

becoming a healer, energy healing

And if so, what does it take?

Because there are certainly a lot of energy healers out there who don’t seem to be thriving.

Healers who are struggling to make a living, living primarily in lack.

Despite that, the answer is Yes, it’s possible – with a big “but.”

The “but” is that most healers don’t know how. There are common obstacles that most healers face; I know about them because over the last ten years I’ve hit every one. Most I have overcome; some I’m still working through.

What I can say with certainty is that there are common mistakes to avoid if you want to reach all of the people you came here to serve and make a prosperous living doing so. Here are three of them:

Mistake #1: Having too much faith in the Universe

That might be a provocative way to say it.

In Spiritual Truth, success and abundance come from putting your full faith in your higher power. When you do that, it is possible for clients to magically show up at your door.

The catch is, “full faith” must exists on all levels of your being, conscious and unconscious. It’s likely that you’ve got tons of unconscious and karmic stuff that keeps you from completely surrendering your faith and your fate to the higher realms.

Too many healers feel so compelled by their divine calling that they believe clients will magically show up. They focus so much on their connection to the spiritual world that they forget to ground to the physical world. But manifesting anything requires action in the physical realm, which you can’t do if you walk around with your head in the clouds.

Instead, you need to use that spiritual connection to intuit the steps that you need to take to create a successful practice.

Mistake #2: Not treating it like a business

An energy healing practice is a small business just like any other. Some healers believe that a healing practice is somehow different. It doesn’t help that most energy healing classes teach absolutely nothing about the business side of things, other than maybe energy techniques to attract new clients.

(I mean yes, please use what you know to attract clients energetically, but remember that they still need places to encounter you, or information about you; most people will not trust their intuitive guidance enough to randomly show up at your office door – which would probably freak you out too.)

Meanwhile, just like any other business, you also have to do things like goal setting, financial planning, paying taxes, buying insurance, too. You need all kinds of policies too, for anything from late arrivals to refunds. Thinking about these things in advance will save you a lot of trouble if you ever need them.

Mistake #3: Believing you have to have it all figured out

It’s a common scenario: You follow that call from Spirit to take the energy healing classes, design your business cards and set up your office. Then reality hits and the doubts creep in: How can you profess to be able to help anyone else when you still have so much crap going on in your own life?

The fear that you’ll be “found out” keeps you from going out to find clients. You simultaneously hope for new clients and pray that they’ll never find you. You get  paralyzed, perhaps so that you go through the motions of running the business but never get anywhere with it.

Here’s what I tell my Healing Mastery Program students: You don’t have to be 100% perfect – because let’s face it, you’ll never get there. You simply have to be further along the path than your clients, so that you can turn around, extend your hand back to them, and offer to show them the way.

Mistake #4:  Believing that you do have it all figured out

It often looks like this: The moment you become a healer, you stop working on yourself. You never hire another healer or another coach. You stop healing, you stop learning, you stop growing.

One reason for this: Believing that doing so is inherent to a life of service, you stop allowing yourself to receive.

The problem is that all of those aforementioned subconscious blocks that you came into this work with still exist. They don’t magically disappear. You can’t will your way out of them. If you do nothing, those subconscious karmic and emotional blocks will stand between you and successful service to your clients and yourself.

Instead, the best way that you can serve your clients is by continuing to be a client. If nothing else, it will keep you in touch with that side of the experience, and perhaps you’ll learn something new that you can apply in your practice. But truly, it’s only through your personal growth that you will experience professional growth.

Are you looking for someone to help you make the leap and navigate this obstacle-riddled path of becoming a healer? This is what I do in the Healing Mastery Program, where together we focus on three main areas that you need to avoid the above mistakes and build a successful healing practice.

Watch this video to learn more about these Three Keys to Being a Successful Healer and be introduced to the Healing Mastery Program.


About the author

Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.

Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Use at your own risk.

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