March 4


An Expert Answer to “What’s My Life Purpose?”

By Christina Ammerman

March 4, 2020

“What’s my Life Purpose?” I doubt there’s anyone who’s been through a spiritual awakening and NOT asked that question at least once.

Human thinking tends to associate purpose with what we get paid to do. Or that there’s a particular objective you’re supposed to meet before you die.

But in spiritual truth, your only purpose is to live. By existing, you fulfill your purpose. So don’t worry about whether you’re doing it wrong or right or going to miss something.

Watch the video if you want to step a little deeper into this idea.

About the author

Christina Ammerman is a Master Core Wound Healer + Medical Intuitive who helps smart, spiritual women heal their chronic health conditions. She deploys her skills as an intuitive and former engineer to systematically identify every single root cause, leading to complete and permanent healing.

Her quest to create a successful method for permanent healing led her to learn about the Core Wounds and bring forth new insights into how they were created and how they keep us from fully embodying Source energy in our human experiences.

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