Much of what I write is intended to fill and inspire your mind.
Today, however, is different. Today we’re going to fill your lungs and inspire your inner core of peace with a short meditation.
You can listen to a recording of this guided meditation instead of reading it: [audio:]
For right now, take a break from the juggling and the running around. Set your to-do list aside. Let’s spend five minutes together getting still, getting silent, and getting back to center.
Wherever you’re sitting right now, close your eyes (assuming it’s safe to do so), and take a deep breath in…
As you exhale, allow your body to relax…
Take another breath in … and on the exhale let your mind relax…
Take a third breath in … and as you breathe out feel your heart open.
Continue to breathe…
Do nothing but breathe….
Put all of your attention on the movement of your belly as it expands and contracts with each breath…
Your mind will want you to start moving on to the next thing, but it is not in charge. You can occupy your mind with the task of reading these words.
Right now you’re going to just breathe…
Feel the tension leave your body…
…and leave your mind…
Breathing deeply is the most relaxing thing you can do for yourself – and it’s the easiest. It doesn’t require any tools. You don’t need music. You don’t need to be sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat.
You just need to breathe in…2…3…4…
…and breathe out…2…3…4…
Slow, steady breaths tell your body and mind that it’s OK and it’s safe to move slowly and to be still. There are no risks, no threats, no reason to be on alert. There’s plenty of time to breathe…2…3…4…
Breathe in…2…3…4…
Breathe out…2…3…4…
Inhale deep – all the way down to your feet…Exhale all the way out again…
Inhale down to your feet…2…3…4…exhale out…2…3…4…
A third time down to your feet…2…3…4… and exhale…2…3…4…
One final deep breath filling all of your cells…hold it …2…3…4…and exhale…
Allow your breathing pattern to return to a deeper, slower version of normal, and move on with your day in peace.