
December 22


Want A Great 2017? Do This Now!

By Christina Ammerman

December 22, 2016

connecting with self, desire, inner self

The week between Christmas and New Year. Is it quieter for you? Or are you busy with family activities, but you’ve got more slack in your schedule? Do you have time to carve out a few moments for reflection? I’m hoping the answer is YES! Here’s why.

Winter is a time when we align with the cycles of nature. Winter is a time when seeds grow under the soil. In this case, those “seeds” are desires that are already within you.

This post isn’t about New Year’s resolutions. What I’m offering isn’t an intellectual exercise in setting goals, but an opportunity to connect with your true inspired desires.

Here’s what to do before you start.

Get embodied. Your best insights don’t come from your intellect. They come from your heart. Your physical body is your antenna that amplifies the signal from your heart. I’m talking about tummy quivers, spirit shivers or whatever sensations you get when you tap into your truth. Those signals are stronger when you’re grounded in your body, so before you sit down with paper and pen, go for a walk, do yoga, experience a grounding meditation or have sex… (Yup, I went there. Orgasm, whether alone or with someone else, is one of the best ways to connect your spirit, mind and body.)

Set a minimum amount of time. Because you might still be surrounded by family, friends and gadgets demanding your attention, consciously figure out how long you can devote to this exercise. Maybe set a timer. No matter what, turn off ringy-dingy things like cell phone notifications. And practice how you’re going to respond to anyone asking for your attention.

Create a sacred space. You’re about to tap into your soul – don’t you want to give it your full attention? This can be simple. For instance, I light a candle while stating my intention for this time. You can also call in your angels and guides if that’s your style.

What to ask yourself

Here’s the thing. People typically jump into listing what they want to do, but there may be a better place to start: on the inside. Thinking ahead to one year from now, who do you want to become by then? What do you like about yourself that you want to enhance, and what would you prefer to change? Are there any skills you want to have by next December? How do you want to feel on December 31, 2017?  Think career and finances, health and well-being, relationships, spirituality.

Next, assess your current state. Because you can’t take a journey if you don’t know where you’re starting! Take an honest look at where you are now relative to each desired outcome.

Finally…now it’s time for the how. For each desired outcome you listed, brainstorm on what it will take to get there by December 31, 2017. Don’t be discouraged if the gap seems huge or the actions seem impossible. Quantum leaps are possible, especially when your desire is strong enough. Let intuition give you ideas that your intellect might not have thought of.

If you’re needing support for this process, or you need more quiet than your surroundings offer, or you want a deeper dive, here’s what we can offer:

  • Start Where You Are series of self-assessment & healing: attend 1, 2, or all 3 sessions in the series
    • Option A: virtually, 7-8 PM on Thursday Jan. 5, 12 & 19 (with Christina, Androniki and Karen, respectively)
    • Option B: in person, Saturday, Jan. 7, 11 AM, 12 PM & 2 PM at Zenquility
  • Desire Map workshop
    • helps you dive deeper into “How do I want to feel?” especially if you aren’t accustomed to naming your feelings
    • two-day event, Saturday, Jan. 14 & 15, 10 AM – 4 PM each day

I’m going to stop right here and wish you well on your journey. The route may be different, and the length might vary, but we all take them. Happy New Year, and see you in 2017!

About the author

Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.

Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Use at your own risk.

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