Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
by Healing Your Body
Your body is not broken. It's using your current health challenges to show you shadow patterns that you are here to transmute on behalf of yourself, your ancestors, and all of humanity.
My zone of genius is clearly identifying and permanently healing all those patterns, so that you can heal your body, fulfill your purpose, and live an empowered, abundant, and enlightened life.
Christina Ammerman, Medical Intuitive & Core Wound Healer
I see the human body as an amazing piece of machinery - full of wisdom and power, and always operating according to its design, even when things seem to be going wrong.
I know firsthand the frustration of trying to live a spiritually empowered life while dealing with health conditions that seem to get worse as you move along your journey. I've learned that these health challenges are part of the journey, not obstacles to it.
With this perspective, the conditions you're trying to heal become catalysts for your growth, moving you forward spiritually and emotionally while you heal physical conditions that others might have said you simply had to live with.
It would be my privilege and my joy to provide the missing pieces you've been seeking and guide you through this part of your journey. 💜🤍