The Only Program that Completely Heals Chronic Health Conditions and Helps You Fulfill Your Purpose
You need this if...
Introducing Fearless Freedom
To completely and permanently heal chronic health conditions is simply a matter of "As within, so without."
The reason it seems more complicated than this is, you need to address every root cause that's part of the "within," which usually means jumping from practitioner to practitioner, hoping that collectively they'll find all the root causes of your condition(s).
My genius work is knowing the 5 different places within you that root causes can exist and being able to ask your body exactly what's in the way of its own healing processes.
When you enroll in Fearless Freedom, we both make the commitment not to give up until all root causes have been resolved and you've received the healing you're seeking.
Why You Haven't Healed Already
Let's address this right away, because I imagine you've already tried multiple solutions and you're wondering if you dare to hope that things could be different this time around.
First of all, the fact that you have these conditions you haven't been able to heal in no way reflects your competence in self-care or as a healer. No matter how knowledgeable we are, everyone needs help sometimes.
There are two main reasons why it's hard to completely and permanently heal chronic health conditions, especially if you want to do it naturally:
- Complete healing requires addressing all the root causes, which can exist on different levels of your being (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual). Very few practitioners have the knowledge to assess all layers at once, and some even dismiss the validity of checking levels other than their specialty (e.g., a conventional doctor not believing that the emotional or spiritual play a role, or an energy healer believing that the physical doesn't need to be addressed directly).
- For someone to help you heal the Core Wounds and other deep ego patterns at the root cause of your condition(s), they have to have already healed those exact patterns within themselves, otherwise their own egos will keep them from seeing in you what they're not ready to see in themselves. This creates blindspots in the healing process where a healer might only focus on the causes that are within their personal comfort zone.
In my case, not only does my background in anatomy & physiology, energy, and problem-solving uniquely qualify me to thoroughly assess all root causes, but I have dedicated my life to constantly clearing my own ego patterns and checking for blindspots that might negatively impact my ability to serve my clients.
Results Achieved by Fearless Freedom Clients
Here are the best examples of conditions that have been healed by clients who experienced the work that is now the foundation of Fearless Freedom.

- Systemic Candida overgrowth, including chronic vaginal yeast infections
- Uterine fibroids
- Fibromyalgia
- Autoimmune conditions
- Herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2)
- Chronic migraines
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
- Food sensitivities and some food allergies
- Seasonal and environmental allergies

Emotional / Psychological Conditions
- Chronic anxiety and depression
- Borderline personality disorder
- Unresolved trauma, PTSD, and CPTSD
- Boundary issues in relationships (lack of and/or too strong)
- Abandonment trust issues
- Fear of rejection
- People-pleasing and co-dependent behaviors
- Procrastination and self-sabotage
- Lacking purpose and direction
- Excess clutter (early stage hoarding)

Work / Business Situations
- Imposter Syndrome
- Inconsistent marketing habits (due to fear of rejection, being seen, etc.)
- Inability to follow an idea through to completion
- Sabotaging their big vision by "burning down" what they've created
- Poor boundaries with clients and team members
- Insufficient work/life balance
- Conflict between expert advice about how to run their business vs. trusting what feels right to them
What are the Core Wounds?
Since the foundation of this approach is the Core Wounds, let's get on the same page about what Core Wound are (and are not).
There's lots of talk about Core Wounds these days, but not everyone is saying the same thing.
After closely studying in actual people how Core Wounds relate to the human energy field - especially the chakras - I've discerned that there are actually only two Core Wounds:
- Unworthiness, which blocks your Crown Chakra and your connection with your Sacred Masculine aspects
- Unlovability, which blocks your Root Chakra and your connection with your Sacred Feminine aspects
Any other wounds referred to as "core wounds," such as abandonment issues, are secondary to one or both of these two true Core Wounds. (They're still valid wounds, of course, and the framework of 12 sessions in Fearless Freedom Phase 1 covers all of them.)

Here’s What You’ll Get From Fearless Freedom
This approach to healing your physical body brings you other things you've also been searching for:
Radically Improve your Self-Image
We're designed to receive our sense of being worthy, loved, and supported directly from Source, except that the Core Wounds at your Crown and Root chakras interfere with that flow. Instead, you've spent your life seeking love and validation from others and/or not expecting to receive it and/or building walls around yourself in denial that you need it.
Session #1 of Fearless Freedom Phase 1 heals your Core Wounds, restoring your innate connection to Source for worthiness and lovability. The rest of the framework dissolves the deepest lifelong patterns you've adopted to compensate for that lack of connection.
EmbracE Your Feminine NAture
Every human has masculine and feminine natures, but we haven't been conditioned to express them freely. In healing the Core Wound at your Root Chakra, we instantly restore your flow of Sacred Feminine energy, while we also balance your flow of Sacred Masculine energy at your Crown Chakra.
For you to access those energies, we also need to dissolve the conditioning you've received from a world that has been biased toward the masculine for so long.
Session #9 of Phase 1 is dedicated solely to masculine/feminine balance, so that you can feel free to soften and receive without giving up your beautiful strength and service to others.
ReBuild a Loving Relationship with your Body
By default, we parent our bodies the way we were parented, often scolding and shaming our bodies for not being "right" or "perfect." Plus, if you're holding unresolved trauma, grounding into your body can stir up those feelings.
Sessions in Phase 1 of Fearless Freedom deal specifically with unresolved trauma, the need to be right/perfect, honoring emotions, and connecting with your body, so that you can always know exactly what your body needs for health and stamina. Being grounded into your body also improves your intuitive gifts.
Calm Your Nervous System
Chronic health conditions are prevalent in women because we've been conditioned not to feel safe in this world - physically, emotionally, or otherwise. This causes your nervous system to frequently be in fight/flight/freeze mode, which shuts down the body's healing mechanisms.
Every session of Phase 1 and Phase 2 peels away another layer of emotional responses that trigger your nervous system, so that you feel emotionally and physically calm. The profound level of inner peace that you'll achieved simply from not having your nervous system triggered all the time is, quite frankly, beyond what you'd be able to imagine right now.
Here's how Fearless Freedom works
This approach is effective because it starts at the origin point - your Core Wound - and heals from the inside out.
Phase 1: The Core Wound Framework
We start with the deepest subconscious blocks and attachments. Because these are mostly the same from person to person, I've been able to record these sessions in a way that works for everyone as effectively as if we were doing the sessions 1:1.
You can go through these 12 sessions of Phase 1 on your own or opt into VIP Support, which allows us to discuss your questions and experiences via text and voice messages on WhatsApp.
During this phase, you'll notice emotional changes as soon as the first session. Subtle physical changes may also occur; most people also need the personalized sessions in Phase 2 to experience complete healing.
Phase 2: Personalized Healing
If you opt for the full Fearless Freedom experience, in Phase 2 we start working 1:1 via Zoom sessions to heal any remaining root causes, including soul contracts and Gene Keys, plus any subconscious emotional patterns that weren't covered for you in Phase 1.
This is also when you get your personalized action plan of specific life changes (e.g., diet and supplements, movement, environmental changes) that your body's wisdom has indicated you need to complete your healing.
Phase 2 is typically 5-8 sessions up front, based on how many remaining root causes can be identified at the time and how many your body's wisdom says we can clear per session.
More Phase 2: Implementation & Follow-up
Once we've completed the up-front sessions of Phase 2, it's simply a matter of the time needed for your body to finish healing while you follow your action plan.
It's common to need a few more sessions during that time, if symptoms recur or you find yourself getting "stuck" implementing your action plan. There's no limit in number of sessions or how far into the future they occur, as long as they're for the same conditions you started with.
(Add-ons will be available for new conditions. For clients who've completed both phases, new conditions have been minor, typically requiring only 1-3 sessions.)
About Christina Ammerman,
The Core Wound Healer
Christina Ammerman is a pioneer in the world of energy psychology. As a masterful spiritual healer and medical intuitive with the mind of an engineer, she has perfected a method for permanently healing the Core Wounds and surrounding deepest subconscious patterns. By combining that with her study of anatomy and physiology and her keen appetite for solving puzzles, she's been able to help people heal many conditions they were told they would simply have to live with.
Her “why” is peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childhood abuse and its effects on her adult life remains a catalyst for her to explore peace in all its forms.

Here’s what Christina's clients have said

Sheila Leaming
Mystery School Teacher
San Diego, CA, USA
"Christina is a genius at what she does, and I am grateful for her work."

Barbara F.
Mallorca, Spain
"I am so much more at peace...Thank you, Christina!"

Kira Corporale
Army Veteran,
Virginia, USA
"The best part is... I don't have PTSD anymore!"
The Unprecedented Value of Fearless Freedom
By now you've probably noticed a couple things that stand out about Fearless Freedom:
- You get all the definitive answers in one place. There's no need to see an energy healer AND a doctor AND a therapist.
- The costs won't keep adding up. One program fee covers all the sessions you'll need from me -no matter how long it takes and even if you have recurrences of the same condition(s). Isn't this a welcome relief after paying for appointment after appointment without getting the complete relief you've been seeking?
Most people I talk with about Fearless Freedom are surprised - and then impressed - when I tell them that it includes unlimited follow-up sessions. I do this as a matter of integrity, because I feel that most healers, coaches, and consultants are charging for the wrong thing: their time, not your results.
For me, offering unlimited follow-up is a safe bet, because I know my approach works as long as the client and I do our parts.
How much have you spent on doctors and healers so far, without a satisfying result?
How much more do you spend each month on medications, supplements, and special foods that you wouldn't need if we could heal your chronic conditions?
Take a moment right now to total all that up, so that you can compare the cost of complete and permanent healing with Fearless Freedom to the unending costs of your current treatments.

5000 USD
Payment plans are available through Affirm and Klarna.
All sales are final. See additional terms & conditions during checkout.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not exactly. I said "woman" at the top because all my clients for this work so far have been cisgender women. Subconscious conditioning varies somewhat among physical sexes and gender identities. While I expect Fearless Freedom would work for anyone, I don't want to promise results I haven't proven yet.
If you're a cisgender male, trans male or female, intersex or non-binary person who feels drawn to do Fearless Freedom, feel free to reach out to me and we can talk about it.
Firstly, there's no such thing as "behind" in Fearless Freedom. While the Phase 1 sessions unlock weekly, you have to heal at your own pace. That may mean keeping a regular schedule of one session every two weeks, or pausing for a month, or whatever feels right to you.
If you're concerned that you'll drift away and not finish Fearless Freedom, that would be a good reason to opt into VIP support. If I notice that you seem to have disappeared, I'll reach out and give you a nudge.
I'll be offering Fearless Freedom for a very long time, so even if you were to disappear for a year, you'd be welcome to pick it right back up when you're ready - and I'll be here to support you. 💜🤍
Fearless Freedom is not meant for acute conditions. If your life is in immediate danger or your pain is too acute for you to relax during a healing session, get your condition stabilized first.
Beyond that, I believe that this approach can heal any chronic health condition, unless the body is deteriorating faster than this healing can take effect. So far, every client who was ready to do the work has reported full remission of their symptoms.
If you have a specific condition you'd like to ask about, feel free to reach out to me and I'll give you honest feedback about whether Fearless Freedom will work for you.
My main qualifications are as an energy healer and self-trained medical intuitive. I am formally trained in over a dozen energy healing modalities and have created several of my own (including the technique I use in Fearless Freedom).
I began studying human anatomy and physiology when I entered massage therapy school in 2004, and I've never stopped.
Whenever I receive an intuitive insight about a client's health, I confirm that it correlates with accepted science by checking a credible source, such as National Institutes of Health.
I am not a physician and will never contradict your doctor's orders - not only out of legal obligation but also because you have your reason for seeing that doctor, and I support your choices.
I hear the real question woven in there: "How do I trust and invest my money, time, energy, and hope one more time?"
We don't think of trust and hope as things we invest, but they are - and every time our investment doesn't pay off, it gets harder to invest them another time.
Trust might be the harder one. It's not just me you need to trust - you need to trust yourself to make this decision. You need to trust that nudge from your inner being saying, "This feels right."
The hope and trust that you find within yourself to enroll in the program are the same hope and trust you'll need to move through the program.
If there are any questions I can answer to help you trust in that nudge from your inner being, feel free to reach out to me.
My Soul Purpose is to Help You Fulfill Yours
I want you to feel free and empowered in your body, no longer distracted from the other things you're on this planet to do.
It's my joy to watch my clients transform their bodies, their minds, bodies, and souls - their ENTIRE LIVES through this process.
Each person I've helped started where you might be now: not wanting to give up on yourself, but also really tired of investing not just your time and money but your hope in solutions that seem to have let you down.
Everyone who has invested their time, money and hope in Fearless Freedom has been thrilled with the results.
Much Love, 💜🤍