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In the meantime, there is so much to learn about the Core Wound than I wasn't able to squeeze into the video you just watched. If you want to understand how you got this wound, check out the "Getting to Know Your Core Wound" video course that will teach you:

  • What is a Core Wound?
  • When & How You Received Your Core Wound
  • How Your Core Wound Formed Your Ego
  • Other Patterns Caused by Your Core Wound
  • What It Takes to Heal Your Core Wound
Getting to Know Your Core Wound
Or, you might find some helpful insights in the latest articles from my blog:
How to Make a Decision That Aligns with Your Desires

How to Make a Decision That Aligns with Your Desires

As you evolve on your spiritual journey, the way you make decisions needs to evolve too, so that it incorporates the greater awareness you’ve gained. In this video, I shine a light on how you were conditioned to make decisions, then teach you a process for checking whether your choice will take you toward your goal.

Read this article
How to Make a Decision That Aligns with Your Desires