
Submit a Testimonial

Thank you SO much for taking the time to write a testimonial one of my programs. Your words will be a tremendous help to others who are looking for the same benefits that you've received. The questions below will prompt you to share what others most need to hear.

By submitting your testimonial, you agree that your name, title and website (if provided) and comments may be used on any online or print marketing platform. Your comments may be edited for spelling, grammar, or length, but the meaning will not be changed.

Which program is this testimonial for? (required)
What challenges were you facing when you enrolled, including in the secret places you didn’t let others see? (required)
Why did you choose this program over other options (including the option of doing nothing)?
Did you have any concerns before you said yes? How did you overcome them?
How did this program exceed your expectations?
What has changed for you internally now that you've gone through the program? (required)
What has changed for you externally now that you've gone through the program? (required)
How is Christina different from other healers/coaches/mentors that you know?
Is there anything else that you want others to know about your experience? (Here's your chance to go free-form)
Is there anything that you want Christina to know privately?

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